Ways You Can Share the Love on Donor Day
Register as an organ donor: Visit organdonor.gov.
Donate blood or platelets: Every drop counts—find a local drive.
Join the bone marrow registry: Be a lifesaver—bethematch.org.
Spread the word: Sharing this message can inspire others to act.

TFW Partnerships!
We’ve got some exciting news. Tutti Frutti Women is teaming up again for the second year in a row with ETH Toronto, ETH Florida, and ETH Women—the biggest Web3 conferences out there!
This is our second year teaming up with these incredible conferences, and you get to enjoy a 25% discount on tickets with the code TUTTI25! It’s a great chance to connect, learn, and have some fun at the largest Web3 event around!

GA tickets are FREE, or grab 25% off VIP with code tutti25 → http://futuristconference.com

Want to Make a Donation?
If you're feeling generous and want to support our mission, we’ve made it easy for you! You can donate via Better Giving using a variety of methods, whether it’s through bank/card, crypto, stocks, or even DAF! Every contribution helps us continue our work, and we truly appreciate your support.

Spread the Love this Valentine’s Day!
Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day, we’re all about spreading the love here at TFW! Let’s make it a day to celebrate kindness, community, and support. I’ve created some special Valentine’s Day graphics just for you—so let’s share the love together!